What can I do to prepare for my session?

Before we work together it can be very helpful to think about your intentions for your session

Do you have symptoms that you would like to better understand and heal at the root? Do you have a goal or intention for your life that you would like support in reaching? Do you have habits or patterns that you want to release? Do you need guidance for your life or a particular area of your life that addresses your deeper needs and desires? If you have a meditation practice you could take these questions into that practice, or simply spend some time reflecting as you walk, drive or do something mundane like washing the dishes. 

Your session really “begins” as soon as you schedule the appointment
In other words, the energy in your field and your life will start to speak to you and prepare you for what needs to occur in your session, even if it is weeks away. So you can take note and enjoy the process that is already under way!
For the day of your session, you’ll want to make your space where you plan to have the phone or video call comfortable
Some people like to do some meditation or centering before the session. If you have the time for that, great, but if not don’t worry as you’ll always get a little time at the beginning of the session to center and connect to yourself. Since many people like to lay down while receiving the energy work, you may want to choose a space to accommodate that. Have some water to drink and something for taking notes handy. 
You’ll receive a link in your scheduling email to our Zoom "meeting room”—take a minute to locate that email and have the link ready to click at your session time. If you have never used Zoom before then it is a good idea to set up your connection to our "meeting room" ten minutes (or more) before your scheduled time so you won't feel rushed or get flustered with the technical stuff. Here is a help article to get you all set with Zoom.