What are virtual sessions like?

Working by video or phone is super convenient because you don’t have to leave the comfort and privacy of your own home. 
It also allows me to work with you no matter where in the world you are located! As a part of the scheduling process, you will receive a short intake form where you can indicate if you prefer to do your session with video or audio only. It is nice to see each other at least once, so I like to encourage a video call for the initial session, but it is not required. I can work either way, so the choice is ultimately up to you. 
Since energy doesn’t have to obey the same time and space rules as the physical body...  
the energy field can be accessed and supported whether we are in the same room or thousands of miles apart. This is what makes long distance sessions effective. We will work with your energy field but the physical body will feel the effects of the energy work because they are directly connected. 
During your session we will spend some of the time talking and some of the time quietly working with your energy field
It will be important that you have this time to yourself free from any distractions or disruptions so you can be completely immersed in the experience. You may feel the energy as I work with you, but you may not and that is normal, too. You may even fall asleep during the session as most people find the energy work deeply relaxing. You will have your own unique experience that is perfect for you!