How do I schedule a session?

Glad you asked! Scheduling a session is super easy. Just click one of the Book buttons on my website. On the homepage you can click from the navigation menu:

Or from the Sessions section:

On the Kids page you can also book from the navigation menu, but in addition you can book using the Get Started button towards the bottom of the page:

To note: when you book from the Kids page your booking options will be for kids sessions only.

Once you click a Book button the scheduling window will open and will show sessions relevant to the button you clicked:

Simply select the session you want to book and when you do so the interface will automatically take you to the next step where you select your timezone and the date/time for your session. When you select a date you will see several options:

  1. Continue - click this button to book only one session.
  2. Add a time - click this button to book more than one session.
  3. Recurring - click this button to book a series of recurring sessions.

Once you have completed this step you will be prompted to input your contact information. Do this, click the Complete Appointment button and you are all set! You will receive an email confirmation with your appointment date/time and Zoom link for joining your session. For more information on joining your session via Zoom, click here.

To note: if you are booking a New Client or New Kid session, you will be prompted to fill out an intake form after inputting your contact information and before clicking the Complete Appointment button.