How do you work with babies and young children?

Babies and young kids are very open to energy work and their energy fields can change quite quickly.

This may mean faster healing times for chronic conditions, but it also depends on how deep the pattern goes. If it is something they were born with (not necessarily congenital, but energetic) then they may still need consistent session work for several sessions until you see a change in their symptoms. It all depends on the baby and their spiritual path. 

I always meet with one of the parents at least once to do an intake and then session work after that will be done “absentee”. 

This just means that I will work with your child during the scheduled time and you can either have them sleeping or doing something quiet during the session (anything that is not overly stimulating—no television or videos). I encourage parents to let their kids know who I am and that I will be helping them energetically. Even if they can’t talk yet, or you think your child isn’t old enough to understand, babies and young children are conscious and understand a lot more than we may realize. It is healthy for their development to know and begin to recognize the energy work as a helpful presence. 

At the end of each session I will email some notes to you so that you are aware of what I worked on with your child, along with any helpful guidance I have for you. 

After a few sessions I may ask that we schedule a follow-up session to talk about your child’s progress. We may address any challenges you are having so that we can continue to support your child through your conscious care of them as well as the energy cultivation work I am providing. We are a team, so I want to make sure you are included in the process!