What should I expect after the session?

After a session you enter what I call your sacred integration time. 

I call it sacred because it is your time to be especially tuned in to how your spirit communicates with you and what you are experiencing in your body. It is full of potential for deeper understanding, greater reflection, and even mystical happenings. 

Why? Because your energy field is likely more expanded than usual, which is what happens any time you take in more information or light energy. This is good! It is a time when that expansive energy begins to integrate into your life. 
What this can mean for you...
It may mean you will be more sensitive than usual, or you may just need some downtime to process what just occurred. You may need things that you don’t normally need, or just more of what you usually need to feel nurtured and balanced. You may notice an urge to make changes. Or you may just want to take things more slowly.
Your experience after each session will be unique and unique to you. However, there are things I recommend to help you get the most out of your session and to take care of yourself during this window of time.
Take time to integrate. You’ll be integrating your session and the new energies and awareness you received during the session for at least the next day or two. That means that the work is still “in progress” and the energy needs to settle down into the cells of your body after it reorganizes and makes necessary shifts. Things that help with integration: 
  • Rest (you may need more than usual)
  • Meditate
  • Take bath or a shower (especially if you are feeling cold, which is normal)
  • Go for a walk or hike
  • Hang out in nature—it is a master balancer and integration specialist 🙂 
  • Do some journaling
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Eat nourishing food
  • Be gentle with yourself and practice self-compassion and kindness. 
Pay attention to yourself. You may notice some small shifts or big ones in how you are feeling both physically and emotionally. You may get some important guidance or information from your own greater consciousness immediately after the session or during the next day. 
The most helpful way to receive the full effects of the work is just to be a curious witness and notice what you sense. Your sensorium (all of your sensing mechanisms) is meant to help you integrate new energies. So noticing what you are feeling and sensing will automatically help you take the new energy you received in the session into the cells of your body. 

Avoid alcohol for the next 24 hours. Because energy work expands your energy field and amplifies your sensing experience, it is recommend to not consume alcohol or at least be aware that even a small amount can impact you much more intensely.